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All documents for Netherlands:
Location Amsterdam

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1817* Advice on the application of the 1817 Act to works copyrighted before 1817
1821* Regulations of the Association for the Book trade
1843* Amsterdam District Court on the exclusive right to translate a foreign literary work
1845* Supplement to the Regulations of the Association for the Book trade on the right of preference on translations
1858* Provincial Court of Appeal on the right to copy Tollens’ works of poetry
1858* Association for the Book trade’s Draft of a Bill on the Right to Copy
1860* Association for the Book trade’s Amended Draft of a Bill on the Right to Copy
1862* Provincial Court of Appeal on the transfer of the right to copy in Max Havelaar
1862* Principles adopted by the Royal Academy of Sciences on Literary and Artistic Property
1868* Regulations of the Association for the Book trade