Time interval: 999 B.C. | 99 B.C. | 9 B.C. | 0 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | 1100 | 1200 | 1300 | 1400 | 1500 | 1600 | 1700 | 1800

Lifedates of referred persons

19 results in the range between 1200 and 1284

1200 - 1270Boileau, Etienne
1200 - 1259Paris, Matthew
1207 - 1272Henry III
1210 - 1268Bracton, Henry de
1214 - 1292Bacon, Roger
1215 - 1270Louis IX
1221 - 1274Bonaventure, St
1221 - 1284Alfonso X, The Wise
1224 - 1319Joinville, Jean, Sire de
1225 - 1274Aquinas, St Thomas
1226 - 1277Petrus Hispanus
1239 - 1307Edward I
1255 - 1306John of Paris
1265 - 1321Dante Alighieri
1265 - 1308Duns Scotus, John
1266 - 1337Giotto di Bondone
1276 - 1348Villani, Giovanni
1278 - 1343Robert of Anjou, 'the Wise'
1284 - 1327Edward II