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1738* Thurneysen: On the Illicit Reprinting of Books (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1763* Diderot's Letter on the book trade (France) Commentary: [1]
1776* Gaultier's memorandum for the provincial booksellers (France) Commentary: [1]
1777* Linguet's memorandum (France) Commentary: [1]
1790* J.F.F. Ganz's draft for a general ban on reprinting within the whole Empire (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1838Parliamentary Debates on the International Copyright Act (20 March) (United Kingdom)
1842* Lowndes' Historical Sketch of the Law of Copyright (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1868* Proudhon: 'Les Majorats littéraires' (France)
1878Royal Commission on Copyright: Minutes of Evidence (United Kingdom)
1884* Orelli: 'Swiss Copyright Act 1883 with comments and appendices' (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1886Correspondence respecting the Copyright Union (United Kingdom)
1886Berne Convention (United Kingdom)
1890Report on H.R. 10881 (United States)