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Keyword fraud

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1503* Aldus Manutius's Warning against the Printers of Lyon (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1590* Giovanni Fratta's 'On the Dedication of Books' (Italy)
1618* Book trade regulations and incorporation of the Parisian book trade (France) Commentary: [1]
1676* Decree on Sculptures (France)
1686* Book trade regulations (France)
1701* Royal letters patent (France) Commentary: [1]
1713* 'Books Constitution' of Emperor Rudolf II (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1725-1726* Pierre-Jacques Blondel's memorandum (France) Commentary: [1]
1738* Thurneysen: On the Illicit Reprinting of Books (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1740* Encyclopaedia Article on 'The Reprinting of Books' (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1765* Philipp Erasmus Reich and the Leipzig publishers' cartel (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1793* Fichte: Proof of the Unlawfulness of Reprinting (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1824* Neustetel: The Reprinting of Books (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1847* Literary Property Act (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1861* Confederate States of America Copyright Act (United States)
1862* Fine Art Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1872* Supreme Court on Artistic Copyright (Spain)
1877* Supreme Court on Music Copyright (Spain)
1878* Morillot on the author's right (France)