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1586* Star Chamber Decree (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1643* The Humble Remonstrance of the Stationers' Company (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1660* Frankfurt Printers' Ordinance (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1660* Decree on Engravings (France)
1690s* Memorandum on the dispute between the Parisian and the provincial booksellers (France) Commentary: [1]
1701* Royal letters patent (France) Commentary: [1]
1735* Engravers' Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1737* Booksellers' Bill (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1744* Code de la Librairie (France) Commentary: [1]
1747* Warburton's Letter from an Author (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1762* Royal declaration on privileges granted to inventors (France) Commentary: [1]
1763* Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid (Spain)
1774* Donaldson v. Becket (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1776* Gaultier's memorandum for the provincial booksellers (France) Commentary: [1]
1777* Linguet's memorandum (France) Commentary: [1]
1780* 'Pezzana e Consorti' case: supporting documents (Italy)
1780* Dramatic Act (France)
1781* 'Pezzana e Consorti' case: counter-petition and rulings (Italy)
1783* Connecticut Copyright Statute (United States) Commentary: [1]
1787* Calico Printers' Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1790* J.F.F. Ganz's draft for a general ban on reprinting within the whole Empire (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1790* Copyright Act (United States) Commentary: [1]
1798* Models and Busts Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1814* Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1828* Maugham's Treatise (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1831* Copyright Act (United States) Commentary: [1]
1834* Balzac's letter to authors (France)
1834* Privilege to the Royal Lithographic Establishment (Spain)
1837* Royal Order on Music Copyright (Spain)
1837* Senate Report (United States)
1862* Fine Art Copyright Act (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1868* Proudhon: 'Les Majorats littéraires' (France)
1882* Danvila’s Copyright Treatise (Spain) Commentary: [1]
1887* International Literary Congress in Madrid (Spain)