# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
General privilege granted to Adrien Le Roy and Robert Ballard, Paris (1552)

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France : Mss. Fr. 22077 n°2

General privilege granted to Adrien Le Roy and Robert Ballard, Paris (1552), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 2 total

we have, by our express will, abolished and do abolish by these
presents as far as things which have not been printed, and
whose term has expired, are concerned. Thus we order, command
and explicitly enjoin you that you should cause, suffer and
allow these supplicants to enjoy and fully and peacefully
make use of all that is contained in these presents, by stopping
and causing to cease all impediments to the contrary. For
such is our pleasure. Given at Paris, the sixteenth day of
February, the year of our Lord one fifteen hundred and fifty.

      By the King: the Sieur d’Avanson, Master of Requests of
      the present palace.
      Signed: de Laubespine


par notre expresse volonté et par ces presentes avons derogé
et derogeons pour le regard des choses qui n'ont eté
imprimées et [xxx] desquelles le temps est expiré. Si
vous mandons, commandons et expressement enjoignons
que de tout le contenu en ces presentes vous faites, souffrés et
laissiés iceux supplians jouir et user plainement et
paisiblement, cessans et faisant cesser tous empechemens
contraires. Car tel est notre plaisir. Donné a Paris, Le seiz[iem]e
jour de fevrier l'an de grace mil cinq cent cinquante.

      Par le Roy: le Sieur Davanson, Maitre des Requetes de
      L'hôtel present.
      Signé: de Laubespine


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK