# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Resolutions concerning the Dutch School Order, The Hague (1625-1626)

Source: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KW 402 A 31

Resolutions concerning the Dutch School Order, The Hague (1625-1626), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 17 total



The 2nd of October 1625.

[IN THE MARGIN: Order on the Latin Schools withis the Province of Holland.]

Has been read the Draft of the Order, one thus may print it for the implementation of the School Order in all the Latin Schools of this Province: Which, after deliberation, has been approved and ordered to be printed, and made to be observed everywhere.

The States of Holland and West-Frysia;
Now having learned for a long time the great disorder that has been held at the Latin Schools of its aforesaid Province, wherein each Headmaster created the Classes, and taught such Books as he found appropriate,
Or indeed was customary at that School;
And if the young Youth or Pupils thereafter will be brought to another School, other Classes, Lessons or Books have to be learned, to great delay of the studies; and what was worse, coming at the University, and there with other fundamentals learned, show themselves to have a troubling difference in knowledge: In order to provide for this, We had made the Curators of the University at Leyden hear the Chancellor and Senate of the aforesaid University about it, as well as the Representatives of both the Synods of this Province, particularly written to about this, and having heard these considerations in detail, orally as well as in writing, the aforesaid Senate by her Representatives from all this had made and formulated a certain order on the creation of the Classes and giving of the Lessons in all the Latin Schools of these Lands, which the aforesaid Curators have handed over to Us with their Advice; reading as follows hereafter.




Den 2 October 1625.

[IN DE KANTLIJN: Ordre op de Latynsche Schoolen binnen de Provincie van Holland.]

Is geleesen het Concept van de Ordonnantie, soo men het selve soude moogen doen drukken, op het invoeren van de School-Ordre in alle de Latynsche Schoolen van deese Provincie: Dewelke na deliberatie, goedgevonden is, en gelast te drukken, en alomme te doen observeeren.

De Staaten van Holland en Westvriesland; Nu langen tyd vernoomen hebbende de groote disordre die tot nog toe gehouden is in de Latynsche Schoolen van haare voorsz Provincie, daar inne elken Rector formeerde de Classen, en leerende sulke Boeken als hem goed dogte,
of immers in die Schoole gebruykelyk was; en als de jonge Jeugt of Discipulen daar na tot een ander Schoole worden gebragt, daar andere Classen, Lessen ofte Boeken geleert worden, dan weeder van nieuws die moesten leeren, tot groote veragteringe van de studien; en dat arger was, koomende in de Universiteyt, en daar met andere fundamenten hadden geleert, een seer groote discommoditeyt daar inne betoonen: Om waar inne te voorsien, Wy door de Heeren Curateurs van de Universiteyt tot Leyden, daar op hadden doen hooren den Rector ende Senaat van de voorsz Universiteyt, mitsgaders de Gedeputeerden van beyde de Synooden van deese Provincie, daar toe specialyk beschreeven, en der selver consideratien soo mondelinge als schriftelyke in het lange gehoort, de voorsz Senaat door haare Gedeputeerden uyt alle dien gemaakt ende geconcipieert hadde seekere Ordre op het formeeren van de Classen ende doen van de Lessen in alle de Latynsche Schoolen deeser Landen, het welk de voorsz Heeren Curateurs met haar advis Ons hadden overgeleevert; luydende als hier na volgt.


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