
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (-106 - -43)


Roman orator

Referred to in records:
1469 * : Johannes of Speyer's Printing Monopoly (Latin)
1590 * : Giovanni Fratta's 'On the Dedication of Books' (Italian)
1644: Milton's Areopagitica (English)
1693: Locke's Memorandum on the 1662 Act (English)
1701 * : Royal letters patent (French)
1704 * : Defoe's Essay on the Press (English)
1738 * : Thurneysen: On the Illicit Reprinting of Books (Latin)
1740 * : Encyclopaedia Article on 'The Reprinting of Books' (German)
1747 * : Warburton's Letter from an Author (English)
1762: A Vindication of the Rights of Authors (English)
1769 * : Millar v. Taylor (English)
1773 * : Hinton v. Donaldson (English)
1774: Enfield's Observations (English)
1774: Macauley's A Modest Plea (English)
1774: The Cases of the Appellants and Respondents (English)
1774: The Pleadings of the Counsel before the House (English)
1776 * : Gaultier's memorandum for the provincial booksellers (French)
1777 * : Linguet's memorandum (French)
1818: Select Committee Report: Minutes of Evidence (English)
1834 * : Balzac's letter to authors (French)
1841 * : Report of Lamartine and parliamentary debates on literary property (French)
1842: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (6 April) (English)
1854 * : Jeffreys v. Boosey (English)
1868 * : Proudhon: 'Les Majorats littéraires' (French)
1870 * : Copinger's Law of Copyright (English)

Referred to in commentaries about:
1469: Johannes of Speyer's Printing Monopoly
1486: Marco Antonio Sabellico's Printing Privilege
1517: Venetian Decree on Press Affairs

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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK