
Counterfeited Privilege in Grimmelshausen's 'The Magic Bird's Nest', N.N. (1675)

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna 1447-A.Alt Mag

Counterfeited Privilege in Grimmelshausen's 'The Magic Bird's Nest', N.N. (1675), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 11 total

Explanation of the title plate / and a brief summary
                        of this whole little treatise

The helping hand which you think you can force the Devil to give you /
May seem at first / to do you good, / but the fact is that /
It will tie you up more and more in fetters of sin
In order to drag you into Hell / swiftly, surely, and most profitably for the Evil One.


Erläuterung deß Kupffers / und kurtzer Inhalt
            dieses gantzen Tractäteins

Die Hülffe so du glaubst vom Teufel her zu zwingen /

                  Scheint zwar / sie komm dir wol / ist aber so bewand /
                  Daß sie je mehr und mehr dich faß mit Sünden-Band

Fein schnell / gewiß und fett dich in die Höll zu bringen.


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK