
Commentaries with referred legislation:
Copyright Amendment Act, 1842, 5 & 6 Vict., c.45

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commentary_d_1846 1846 * : Bilateral Treaty between Prussia and Britain
commentary_uk_1667 1667 * : Milton's Contract
commentary_uk_1801 1801 * : Copyright Act
commentary_uk_1814 1814 * : Copyright Act
commentary_uk_1833 1833 * : Dramatic Literary Property Act
commentary_uk_1835 1835 * : Publication of Lectures Act
commentary_uk_1842a 1842 * : Lowndes' Historical Sketch of the Law of Copyright
commentary_uk_1844 1844 * : International Copyright Act
commentary_uk_1847 1847 * : Foreign Reprints Act
commentary_uk_1862 1862 * : Fine Art Copyright Act
commentary_uk_1886 1886 * : International Copyright Act