Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900)
Identifier: d_1877
Commentary on Gareis: The Juridical Nature of Author's Rights (1877)
Friedemann Kawohl
School of Finance & Law, Bournemouth University, UK
Please cite as:
Kawohl, Friedemann. "Commentary on Gareis: The Juridical Nature of Author's Rights (1877)." Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900). Edited by L. Bently and M. Kretschmer.
1. Full title
2. Abstract
3. References
1. Full title
Gareis: The Juridical Nature of Author's Rights, as well as of Trade-name and Trademark Protection
2. Abstract
Carl Gareis (1844-1923)[1] is considered to be the first jurist to have presented a consistent theory[2] of what in modern German law has developed to become the so-called "rights of personality" (Persönlichkeitsrechte), comprising what in U.S. law is called "personality rights," but also aspects of the right to privacy, the protection of personal information, protection against defamation and moral rights aspects embedded in copyright law. At the heart of what Gareis preferred to call "individual rights" (Individualrechte) is the "control of what is individual about oneself" (p. 199). Three levels are identified: "The human instinct to live, move freely, and do everything which makes life [...] individually as pleasant as possible", the "protection of a specific name which distinguishes the individual" and "that the individual be considered the author of a particular achievement and that, therefore, all (successful) consequences accruing to the author of this individual achievement really are channelled back to the individual concerned." The commentary traces the roots of Gareis's theory in German idealism and follows the development of the theory in German copyright law.[3]
3. References
Books and articles
Dölemeyer, B. and D. Klippel. "Der Beitrag der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft zur Theorie des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes und Urheberrechts." In Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht in Deutschland, 185-240. Weinheim: VCH, 1991.
Klippel, D. "Die Theorie der Persönlichkeitsrechte bei Karl Gareis." Festschrift für Fritz Traub, 211-227. Frankfurt: Deutscher Fachverlag, 1994.
Schwab, D. "Geschichtliches Recht und moderne Zeiten." In Festschrift Heinz Huebner, 215-237. Edited by G. Baumgärtel. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1984.
[1] Gareis was professor of law in Berne, Giessen, Königsberg and Munich. For biographical details see Dieter Schwab, "Geschichtliches Recht und moderne Zeiten," in Festschrift Heinz Huebner, ed. Gottfried Baumgärtel (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1984), 215-237.
[2] See Diethelm Klippel, "Die Theorie der Persönlichkeitsrechte bei Karl Gareis," Festschrift für Fritz Traub (Frankfurt: Deutscher Fachverlag, 1994), 211-227.
[3] See Barbara Dölemeyer and Diethelm Klippel, "Der Beitrag der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft zur Theorie des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes und Urheberrechts", Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht in Deutschland (Weinheim: VCH, 1991), 1: 185-240.