
Contract between Schiller and Cotta, Jena / Tübingen (1794)

Source: MS in the German Literature Archive (DLA) Schiller National Museum in Marbach, Cotta archive. A transcription has been published in: Stephan Füssel, Schiller und seine Verleger (Frankfurt: Insel, 2005), 324-327

Contract between Schiller and Cotta, Jena / Tübingen (1794), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: d_1794a

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Full title:
Contract of 28 May 1794 between Friedrich Schiller and his publisher Johann Friedrich Cotta, regarding the authors' and editors' rights in their contributions to the new journal 'Die Horen'

Full title original language:

The commentary also reviews Schiller's professional life as one of the first German free-lance authors (in particular with respect to the importance of the subscription business model in a non-copyright environment). Some aesthetic innovations of Horen are discussed, such as the role of the editorial board and peer review.

Commentary: No commentaries for this record.

  • The complete volumes of Horen are digitised by the Journals of the Enlightenment Project at Bielefeld University.

  • Füssel, Stephan. Schiller und seine Verleger. Frankfurt: Insel, 2005.

  • Schulz, Gunter and Schillers Horen. Politik und Erziehung: Analyse einer deutschen Zeitschrift. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1960.

  • Weber, Peter and Schillers Horen. "Ein zeitgerechtes Journal? Aspekte publizistischer Strategien im ausgehenden 18 Jahrhundert." In Friedrich Schiller, 451-63. Edited by Helmut Brandt. Berlin, Weimar 1987.

Related documents in this database:
1794: Prussian Statute Book (ALR)

Author: Schiller and Cotta

Publisher: unpublished

Year: 1794

Location: Jena / Tübingen

Language: German

Source: MS in the German Literature Archive (DLA) Schiller National Museum in Marbach, Cotta archive. A transcription has been published in: Stephan Füssel, Schiller und seine Verleger (Frankfurt: Insel, 2005), 324-327

Persons referred to:
Cotta, Johann Friedrich
Schiller, Friedrich

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anonymous works
author/publisher relations
authors' remuneration

Responsible editor: Friedemann Kawohl and Martin Kretschmer

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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK