
Orelli: 'Swiss Copyright Act 1883 with comments and appendices', Zurich (1884)

Source: Private Collection

Orelli: 'Swiss Copyright Act 1883 with comments and appendices', Zurich (1884), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: d_1884

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Full title:
'The Swiss Federal Statute of 23. April 1883 regarding copyright in works of literature and art: with a discussion of the relevant international treaties. Commented and explained by Aloys von Orelli' (Zurich 1884)

Full title original language:
'Das schweizerische Bundesgesetz betreffend das Urheberrecht an Werken der Litteratur und Kunst: Unter Berücksichtigung der bezüglichen Staatsverträge. Erl. von Aloys von Orelli' (Zürich: Schultheß, 1884)

The Copyright Act of 1883 conferred exclusive rights to authors for their lifespan plus 30 years p.m.a. The original author's right to control translations of his work was restricted to a 5 years' term within which the legitimate translation had to be published (Art. 3). The authors of musical and dramatic works were required to explicitly reserve their rights and the royalties were limited to 2% of box office takings (Art. 7). The restriction on translation rights was overtaken as early as 1886 when Switzerland signed the Berne Convention. But even after the Berlin revision of the Berne Convention in 1908 Switzerland did not adopt Berne standards before a new Copyright Act was issued in 1922. Switzerland was among the last countries in Europe to issue a modern copyright act. In 1856 a number of cantons had agreed on a minimum protection term equivalent to the author's lifespan or 30 years after publication, whichever was the longer. No protection was granted against the unauthorised (re-)printing of public lectures and journal articles. After the Confederation entered into a treaty with France in 1864, it was paradoxically the case that Swiss citizens were protected in their home country to a lesser degree than the works of French authors in Switzerland.

1 Commentary:

  • Wittweiler, Bernhard. "Die Auswirkungen der Berner Übereinkunft auf die schweizerische Urheberrechtsgesetzgebung." In Die Berner Übereinkunft und die Schweiz. Edited by Manfred Rehbinder and Wolfgang Larese. Stämpfli: Berne, 1986.

Related documents in this database:
1829: Printing statutes in the Canton of Zürich
1852: French International Copyright Act
1886: Correspondence respecting the Copyright Union
1886: Berne Convention

Author: Aloys von Orelli (1827-1892)

Publisher: F. Schultheß

Year: 1884

Location: Zurich

Language: German

Source: Private Collection

Persons referred to:
Orelli, Aloys von

Places referred to:

Cases referred to:

Institutions referred to:

Swiss Copyright Act 1883

dramatic works, protected subject matter
duration, post mortem term
international agreements, Berne Convention
music, protected subject matter
public performance
translation, protection of
translation, right of

Responsible editor: Friedemann Kawohl

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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK