
Privilege granted to Jacobo Cromberger, Lisbon (1508)

Source: National Archives, Lisbon, Portugal

Privilege granted to Jacobo Cromberger, Lisbon (1508), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: pt_1508

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Full title:
Jacobo Cromberger, German national, bookprinter, is granted the same privileges, freedoms and honours that were enjoyed by the Knights of the Royal House, independently of the possession of horses or coats of arms

Full title original language:
A Jacocbo Cromberger, alemão, impressor de livros são concedidos os mesmos privilégios, liberdades e honras de que gozam os cavaleiros da casa d'el-Rei, ainda que não tenham cavalos our armas

Grants Jacobo Cromberger, German national, bookprinter, the same privileges, freedoms and honours that were enjoyed by the Knights of the Royal House, independently of the possession of horses or coats of arms. This privilege was obtained following a petition by the beneficiary, Jacobo Cromberger. The concession considered the fact that Mr Jacobo Cromberger had come to Portugal at the King´s request to serve the Kingdom, as well, as the need to have in Portugal «the noble art of printing». The privileges, freedoms and honours in question were crucially extended to all printmakers within the Kingdom. By Patricia Akester

1 Commentary:


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Author: N/A

Publisher: N/A

Year: 1508

Location: Lisbon

Language: Portuguese

Source: National Archives, Lisbon, Portugal

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Responsible editor: Patricia Akester & Victor Drummond

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