Printing Privileges to Monasteries , Toledo (1487)

Source: Archivo Catedral de Toledo; ACT, Fondo Capitular, V.2.D.1.19

Printing Privileges to Monasteries , Toledo (1487), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: s_1487

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Full title:
Printing Privileges to the Monastery of San Pedro Mártir (Toledo) and Santa María de Prado (Valladolid)

Full title original language:
Privilegios de impresión a los Monasterios de San Pedro Mártir (Toledo) y de Santa María de Prado (Valladolid)

Privileges for religious publications are among the earliest Spanish privileges recorded. Two monasteries in Castile were the foundations which shared the exclusive royal concession of printing the bull of the Crusade and other indulgences.

1 Commentary:

  • De los Reyes Gómez, F. “Las Bulas de Rodrigo de Borja y los orígenes de la imprenta española” Pecia Complutense. 2008 (5), núm. 8, pp. 1-51

  • Goñi Gaztambide, J. Historia de la Bula de la Cruzada en España (Vitoria, Editorial Seminario, 1958)

  • Gonzálvez Ruiz, R. "Las bulas de la catedral de Toledo y la imprenta incunable castellana” Toletum, 18, 1986, pp. 11-180

  • Norton, F. J. Printing in Spain, 1501-1520 (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1966)

Related documents in this database:
1477: Tax Exemption for Books
1502: Licensing Rules
1506: Nebrija's Printing Privilege

Author: Pedro Ximénez de Préjano

Publisher: N/A

Year: 1487

Location: Toledo

Language: Spanish

Source: Archivo Catedral de Toledo; ACT, Fondo Capitular, V.2.D.1.19

Persons referred to:
Innocent VIII
Ximénez de Préjano , Pedro

Places referred to:
Sicile Sicily

Cases referred to:

Institutions referred to:
Holy Roman Church


Religious works
printing, history of

Responsible editor: Bellido, Xalabarder & Casas Vallès

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