
Privilege granted to Andrea Palladio for his Four Books on Architecture, with supporting endorsement by member of the Roman Inquisition, Rome (1571)

Source: Vatican Secret Archives, Sec. Brev. Reg. 18 F. 708

Privilege granted to Andrea Palladio for his Four Books on Architecture, with supporting endorsement by member of the Roman Inquisition, Rome (1571), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Privilege granted to Andrea Palladio for his Four Books on Architecture, with supporting endorsement by member of the Roman Inquisition

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Privilege granted to Andrea Palladio for his Four Books on Architecture, with supporting endorsement by member of the Roman Inquisition

1 Commentary:

  • “Andrea di Pietro della Gondola detto Palladio” (Treccani):

  • “Gian Giorgio Trissino” (Treccani):

  • Palladio’s Rome, Vaughan Hart & Peter Hicks (2008):

  • Bruce Boucher, Andrea Palladio: The Architect in His Time (Norton 2007) [and works cited therein]:

  • Andrea Palladio, The Four Books of Architecture: [digital resource]

Related documents in this database:

Author: Aurelio Schilino, Cesare Glorieri

Publisher: N/A

Year: 1571

Location: Rome

Language: Italian, Latin

Source: Vatican Secret Archives, Sec. Brev. Reg. 18 F. 708

Persons referred to:
Andrea Palladio
Aurelio Schilino
Cesare Glorieri
Michele Suriano

Places referred to:
Papal State

Cases referred to:

Institutions referred to:
Apostolic Treasury



Responsible editor:

Jane C. Ginsburg

For assistance in translating and transcribing this Latin document, Jane Ginsburg wishes to acknowledge her 2022-24 Columbia Law School Research Assistants, Ellie Baker (class of 2025), William Bartlett (class of 2025), Joseph Flitton (class of 2023), Zachary Hayworth (class of 2024), and Matthew Nola (class of 2025).

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