Petition from and Privilege granted to Cosimo Gaci to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian, Rome (1604)
Source: Vatican Secret Archives, Sec. Brev. Reg. 349 F. 509
Petition from and Privilege granted to Cosimo Gaci to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian, Rome (1604), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,
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Record-ID: va_1604
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Full title:
Petition from and Privilege granted to Cosimo Gaci to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian
Full title original language:
Privilege granted to Cosimo Gaci to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian, notwithstanding privilege granted the previous year to Francisco Soto to translate, print and distribute the same works.
1 Commentary:
- Theresia a Iesu, s., 1515-1582 Il cammino di perfezione, e'l Castello interiore. Libri della b.m. Teresa di Giesu fondatrice degli Scalzi Carmelitani. ... Trasportati dalla spagnuola nella lingua italiana dal signor Cosimo Gaci, canonico di San Lorenzo in Damaso. In Firenze : nella stamperia de' Giunti, 1605
- Jane C. Ginsburg, Proto-property in Literary and Artistic Works: Sixteenth-Century Papal Printing Privileges, 36 Colum. J. L. & the Arts 345 (2013)
available at
- Evelyn Lincoln, The Invention of the Italian renaissance Printmaker (Yale 2000) p 189 Appendix B
- Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe, Copyright in the Renaissance: Prints and the Privilegio in Sixteenth-Century Venice and Rome(Leiden, Brill 2004) p 183 n. 78.
Related documents in this database:
1600: Petition from and Privilege granted to Pietro Fetti to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian
1603: Privilege granted to Francisco Soto to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian
Author: N/A
Publisher: N/A
Year: 1604
Location: Rome
Language: Latin
Source: Vatican Secret Archives, Sec. Brev. Reg. 349 F. 509
Persons referred to:
Aldobrandini, Cardinal Pietro
Barbiani, Marcello Vestrio
Gaci, Cosimo
Montalto, Cardinal Alessandro
Soto, Francisco
St. Teresa
Places referred to:
Papal State
Cases referred to:
Institutions referred to:
Apostolic Treasury
Master of the Sacred Palace (Papal censors)
Responsible editor:
Jane C. Ginsburg
For assistance in translating and transcribing the Latin documents on the
Vatican documents section, Jane Ginsburg wishes to acknowledge her Columbia
Law School Research Assistants, listed in alphabetical order, with year of
graduation. Assistants whose names appear in bold finalized the preparation
of the documents.
Ella Aiken 2011, Yessenia Arroyo 2021, Matthew Birkhold 2014, David Shuler
Blackman 2019, Jack Browning 2013, Timothy Chung 2021,
Josie Dikkers 2020, Nicholas Flath 2011, Joseph Flitton 2023, Samantha Hall 2018, Alexander Hoffman
2017, Claudia Kassner 2021, Catherine Kim 2015, James
Klugman 2012, Katherine Mackey 2014, Anne Power 2022, Justin Purtle 2011, Brian Reiser 2022, Henry Ross 2017, Daniel Sack 2017, Claire Sheridan 2021, Deborah Sohn 2012, Denise Sohn 2012,
Johan Tatoy 2013, Maya Uchima 2019, Prateek Vasireddy 2015, and Michael
Zaken 2014