
Treaties on reciprocal protection between Prussia and various German States, Berlin (1827)

Source: Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt

Treaties on reciprocal protection between Prussia and various German States, Berlin (1827), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 49 total

- 123 –
for the
Royal Prussian Lands

>>> Nr. 17 <<<

(Nr. 1089.) Supreme Cabinet Order of 16th August, 1827, for the institution of an
                                    agreement with the individual States of the German Confederation, for the purpose
                                    of mutual protection of the rights of authors and publishers
                                    against the reprinting of books.

      Since at present the negotiations at the Federal Assembly in Frankfurt-on-the-Main, whose aim
it is to achieve, in compliance with Article 18 of the German Federal Act, uniform provisions for the
safeguarding of authors and publishers and reprinting, have not yet led to the desired result; I therefore
give My approval to the request, made in your joint report of the 23rd of last month, for the initiation of
negotiations with those German States in which the reprinting of books is forbidden, in order to come to
an agreement, though with the reservation of further measures in this matter that might be passed by a
mutual Federal Resolution, whereby in the application of the existing laws any distinction between natives
and foreigners with regard to these States' respective subjects is to be removed, and the latter are to receive
the same protection for their publications as natives. I also give My approval to these agreements, as soon as
they have been ratified by the exchange of ministerial declarations, being brought to the knowledge of the
public by means of the Code of Laws, so that on the strength of My present Order, which is also to be
incorporated into the Code of Laws, they shall acquire legal force.
            Teplitz, 16th August, 1827.
                                                                  Frederick William.

the Ministers of State: Baron von Altenstein, von Schuckmann,
      Count von Bernstorff and Count von Danckelmann.



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