# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Revocation of the Privilege granted to Pieter Hackens, The Hague (1669)

Source: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KW 402 A 56

Revocation of the Privilege granted to Pieter Hackens, The Hague (1669), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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5 translated pages

Chapter 1 Page 1


28 May


[IN THE MARGIN: Indecent passages in the Book entitled wholesome Maxims of Holland, censured.]

The Respresentatives of the City of Leyden have, in the name, and on behalf of its Principles, represented at the Meeting that had been printed with patent of her Noble High Mightiness dated 10th December 1668, and furthermore also sent and distributed everywhere a certain book, entitled Instruction of the Wholesome Political Grounds and Maxims of the Republic of Holland and West-Frysia, and that the mentioned Lords, after reading the major Chapters contained therein, had encountered her Principles, not only many sharp, indecent or improper expressions, in respect of the argued free practice of all Religions and Sects in these Lands, as well as the ministers of the Gospel of the Lord, and who wish to punish those ways and undetermined exercises of all others, but also that the Author of that Book had used many abusive and erroneous statements, and several very caustic and offensive passages with respect to the Friends and Allies of this Nation, as well as to the Covenants, Treaties and Confederations which this Nation may found with any Kings, Princes, Nations or Republics.

That also the Author in his Foreword exhorted among others these two following sentences. Thus I have dared to speak of the wholesome Political Grounds and Maxims of Holland and West-Frysia as much as the Interest of Holland obligated me, and all this after carefull deliberation of several years, and (as one should regarding such Political Writings) not wish to give to the Printing Press but with the foreknowledge and under the favourable protection of my natural Overlords and Noble High Mighty Lords of States of Holland and West-Frisia. And at the end of this Foreword: which, so that it certainly takes place, the good God thus long grants us such happy times that one according to the Act of indemnity here in this country and in the Meetings of your Noble High Mighty Lords of States of Holland and West-Frisia, and also outside it, may think and

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also write all in the service of the Hon. Fatherland. The above mentioned, misusing in this manner the Letters Patent of her Noble High Mightiness, in order to make his aforesaid private opinions and hatefull expressions appear to be quasi under the public acknowledgement and approval, as well as misrepresenting the good and laudable intent of the Nation in respect of the aforesaid Act of indemnity in such a manner as if thereby would be given to everyone an unlimited liberty to be allowed to cause to be printed and distributed in these Lands all licentious Writings indiscriminately. That therefore the Principles had established by provision that order that all the Copies were collected and deposited at City Hall, petitioning that her Noble High Mightiness would please make such further provisions as they would deem appropriate in the service and the general peace of the Land, as well as for the prevention of all violations in respect of the Allies of this Nation.

On this has been delibirated, and the Meeting has petitioned her Noble High Mightiness, the above imputed passages, furthermore those which are entered in the aforesaid Book on Pages 65, 279, 280, 293, 297, 298, 299, 303 en 204, among others read aloud pro exemplis, as well as having been taken into consideration the remonstrance under the name of the Synods of South and North Holland to the effect that thereby, against the aforesaid Book, in respect of the aforesaid and more passages, inasmuch as the Order of the Church and the Reformed Religion may be aggrieved, the necessary provisions would be made; Has been approved and understood that the aforesaid Letters Patent, on 10th December last granted to the Bookprinter Pieter Hackens by her Noble High Mightiness, will be held to be repealed and revoked, as this was held to be before provided this, with statement that the intention of haar Ed. Groot Mog. in granting the aforesaid Privileges has never been different than to, as much as possible, protect the Assigns of such Privileges against the copying of the Books, which would have this, and in no way to authorize the content of such Books in full or in part, and much less to give these under the public patronage and protection any increased credit, prestige or reputation than all other private Books, not provided with sych rivileges, and so that in the future all occasions of misunderstandings about it may be avoided, it is hereby expressly laid down that in all Privileges and Patents which will be obtained after this on the the printing of any Books and Writing, the aforesaid opinion of her Noble High Mightiness will be expressed in clear and appropriate wording, as it is further explained that the Act of indemnity has been applied very wrongly, and against the commonly known intent of her Noble High Mightiness, on the licentious writing and printing of Books and Writings by the author of the aforesaid Book. And that her Noble High Mightiness had not, in the same Act,

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nor anywhere in any other Resolutions or Notices, be it explicitly or implicitly, permitted the aforesaid license, much less in the least have dispensated the Acts, Regulations and Notices against the writing and printing of scandalous, libellous and improper Books and Writings.
And thus by the aforesaid imputed Sentences, the Allies of the Nation, and its Maxims, are libelled against very injuriously and in a very shocking manner, the respect of the public Church and its ministers is denounced, as well as the honesty and integrity of the Nation is affected with very indecent and detestable statements and expressions, also therefore the aforesaid Books would give rise, in many passages, to incite the aforesaid Allies against the Nation, and to completely alienate the feelings of the High Government, and to insinuate many depraved, detestable and odious Maxims to the Subjects of these Provinces and all others, causing that one is no longer held to adhere to and comply with Alliances and sworns Covenants, as the observance of oath and faith can be reconciled with the interest of the Republic; being Grounds and Maxims which should be, and remain held, in horror and abhorrance by all People, but especially by this Nation (which always has put its highest glory in a religious observance of Treaties, Covenants and Alliances). And finally also to suspect the Ministers, and to alienate the feelings of the Congregation; so her Noble High Mightiness wish to explain, as they do by means of this, that they have always held, and still hold, in contempt the aforesaid opinions and maxims, as a result understand that with the Publication to be done everywhere, the aforesaid Book in respect of the aforesaid grounds and passages will be condemned and censured, the Copies repealed and appropriated, and to that end the necessary orders will be send as soon as possible to the Courts and Officials in the Cities.

That also will be written to the aforesaid Courts, in order that may be inquired on the author of the aforesaid Book, to, being found, have such proceedings brought against him by the Officer of his residence as according to the case will be deemed appropriate.

Follows the aforesaid Publication to be done
The States of Holland and West-Frisia, greetings, all who shall see or hear this read, Inform, that recently with Our Letters Patent and Privileges surreptitiously and clandestinely obtained thereto, has been printed and published a certain Book, entitled Instruction of the Wholesome Political Grounds and Maxims of the Republic of Holland and West-Frysia, in which not only the Ministers of the Gospel of the Lord are affected with very harsh, indecent or injurious expressions, and are libelled in their respect, but also therein against the Friends, Allies and Neigbouring Countries have been spewed forth many untruthfull, injurious, and to Us

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most displeasing, statements and Sentences, capable of inciting them against the aforesaid Country, and to alienate the feelings of the High Government; That the Author of the aforesaid Book also has hurt in an exceptional manner the good faith, honesty and integrity of that Country, in the founding and keeping of its Alliances, Covenants and Treaties, furthermore has insinuated in the feelings of the People many depraved, odious and detestable maxims, causing that one is no longer held comply with Alliances and sworns Covenants, as the observance of oath and faith can be reconciled with the interests of the Republic, and thus these and the like maxims, expressions and statements must be detested and abhored with extreme abomination by everyone, and especially by this Nation which always has put its highest glory in a religious observance of Treaties, Covenants and Alliances, and it finds it of the highest importance, that by such injurious, untruthfull and shocking Books and Writings, the Friends and Allies of the Country may not be restricted in their respect and dignity, nor be weakened the bond of Alliances, Treaties and Confederations, as the only means by which the Kings, Princes, States or Republics can be associated with the others, and We could not but see with the most extreme indignation that the Author has wished to make the aforesaid and other ruineous and offensive Maxims and Statements of similar nature, which could exhort further in the aforesaid Books, appear as under Our Letters Patent, even as if We would have wished to authorize all the aforesaid damaging and scandalous injuries, as well as wrong grounds.
So it is that We, wishing to provide against it, have repealed and revoked, as we hereby repeal and revoke, Our aforesaid Letters Patent of 10th December 1668, not wishing that the Bookprinter Pieter Hackens, or someone else, will benefit, directly or indirectly, therefrom; Declare the aforesaid Book, in many ingredients or passages, and particularly where it deals with the Ministers, Our Allies and effects of the Treaties, Alliances and Confederations, and other like subject as above, to be injurious, libellous and detestable to the highest degree, as We then by means hereof expressly prohibit the aforesaid Pieter Hackens and Associates, as well as all others, whatever may be their condition, Custom or quality, to sell or send these Books and Copies to someone, as well as to translate it in any other Languages, and thus to print, sell, or send, translated or otherwise, directly or indirectly, on penalty of six hundred Carolus guilders (guilders of Charles V), on top of the penalty of sei-

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zing of the Copies, and futher arbitral correction, as will be deemed appropriate to the occasion and circumstances. Order and command Our Procurator-General, Our Officials in the Cities, and all others to collect and to recall etc. the aforesaid Books and Copies everywhere.


Translation by: Miluska Kooij


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK