# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Bretón de los Herreros' Copyright Contract, Madrid (1862)

Source: Archivo Histórico de Protocolos Notariales de Madrid, T-28932 f.557r -559v

Bretón de los Herreros' Copyright Contract, Madrid (1862), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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6 translated pages

Chapter 1 Page 1

                                                Five hundred and fifty-seven
      n. one hundred and eighty            [seal of 1862]
Sale and transfer of several dramatic works for six thousand [...]
granted by His Excellency Mr. Manuel Bretón de los Herreros
in favour of Mr. Vicente de Lalama
      6 May 1862.
      In the City of Madrid, on 6 May 1862,
      appeared before me, Her Majesty's notary and the
      witnesses who will sign this document, His Excellency
      Mr. Manuel Bretón de los Herreros, a resident of
      city, of legal age, states: That he is the owner and
      proprietor of the dramatic works entitled
      “á la vejez viruelas” original in three acts;
      "Los dos sobrinos ó la Escuela de los
      Parientes", original in five acts; A Madrid
      me vuelvo, original in three acts; "Lujo
      ó indigencia" original in five acts; "La
      llave falsa ó los dos hijos", original in
      three acts; "Las tres novias ó el Caballero
      á la moda", translation of one act;
      "El Ingenuo", translation in one act; "El
      seductor confundido", translation in only
      one act; "la Astucia contra la fuerza"

Chapter 1 Page 2

      ó los tres Presos", translation in five acts; "El
      Confidente" translation in one act; "La madre
      política ó la Patria y la morena"; translation
      in two acts; "La fe de bautismo", translation
      one act; "¿Se sabe quien gobierna?" Translation
      two acts; "Carolina ó el talento
      a prueba", tradunslation one act; "Un Agente
      de Policía ó el espía sin saberlo"; translation
      two acts; "Valeria ó la ciegui-
      ta de Olbruk", translation three acts; "El
      sitio del Campanario ó los viajeros atolon-
      drados", translation three acts; "El Amante
      singular ó el legado", translation one act;
      "Un casamiento por convicción", translation
      two acts; "El suplicio en el delito ó los
      espectros", translation five acts; "El Desertor
      y el Diablo", translation three acts; "La
      falsa ilustración", original three acts;
      "Achaques á los vicios", original three acts;
      "Querer mandar en casa", translation
      one act; "El Médico del difunto",
      translation one act; "El Regañón
      enamorado", translation three acts;

Chapter 1 Page 3

                                    five hundred and eight
      "El Poetastro ó la boba fingida", translation
      in three acts; "Por la novia y por la dote", trans-
      lation in three acts; "El Albañil", translation in
      two acts; "La hermanita ó una lección
      indiscreta", translation in one act; y "La nieve",
      translation in four acts, all performed at
      La Cruz and El Príncipe theatres in this city.
      Moreover, today he wants to transfer their
      ownership; therefore under his free and
      natural will and, as provided by law,
      he hereby grants:
      That he perpetually sells, concedes and
      transfers to Mr. Vicente de la
      Lama, a resident of this city, publisher of
      la Biblioteca Dramática published
      all the rights he holds or may hold under the law
      of literary property. Under that provision,
      Mr. Vicente de la Lama and his sucessors
      and representatives can claim, perceive
      and charge performance rights
      in all theatres

Chapter 1 Page 4

                                    X except in Madrid
      in the kingdom and overseas (Ultramar), X
      and in future from wherever international
      treaties so allow. He may publish as many of
      these works as he wishes, prosecute illegal
      copies that had been made or are to be made
      withouth his authorisation, as well as the
      right to charge all the amounts accrued to
      date for performance rights, providing the
      persons who made them were not authorized
      to do so. His Excellence the grantor
      declares and assures that he has not given
      the right to anyone whatsoever. He authorizes
      the businessman Mr. de la Lama, so he can
      concede or transfer to whoever he wishes
      the rights he acquires by virtue of this
      document in which he vests all his power.
      He shall not be able to revise or correct
      without the publishers' consent but he
      can publish the collection

Chapter 1 Page 5

                                    five hundred and fity nine
                                          [seal of 1862]
      at his convenience. Moreover, he declares that
      price of this sale and transfer amounts to
      six thousand reales vellón, which,
      in his view, is just and sufficient, and before
      me and the witnesses, the gentleman duly
      consenting for whom I attest, receives this from
      Mr. Vicente de Lalama in cash. Having
      settled S.C. in accordance with his will,
      the firmest and most effective receipt
      is formalized in favour of Mr. Vicente
      for safe conduct. He renounces the four
      years given by law for rescinding the
      contract or asking for an endorsement to
      its just value as if they had elapsed
      by means of the said caducity, and that
      is just the just price for the works that are
      transferred: and if they were more valuable
      or the value could at any time be higher
      in great or low quantity, this shall favour
      the buyer. This is a perfect and irrevocable
      transfer that the law

Chapter 1 Page 6

      intervivos. He is thus obliged
      not to claim or ask for anything more against
      this contract for whatever reason. For this
      purpose, he is under the obligation with his
      person and current and future goods and
      renounces all the laws, privileges and general
      rights entitled to hi,. As Mr. Vicente
      de la Lama, is present, he understands and acepta esta
      says: That he accepts this deed in everything and on the
      same terms for which it is written. In witness
      thereof they make this agreement
      and thoose who I hereby attest as the witnesses,
      Mr. Cayetano Gola, Mr. Jose Márquez and
      Mr. Dionisio García, residents of this city,
      sign it. = between the lines = except in Madrid
                                          Manuel Bretón
                                                de los Herreros
      Vicente de la Lama
                                    Manuel Hortiz

Translation by: Kay Leach