# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Totell's patent for Common Law Books, Westminster (1559)

Source: Photographed by the National Editor at the National Archives: c.66/941

Totell's patent for Common Law Books, Westminster (1559), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 1 of 1 total

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pro Ric[ard]o Tottell con ad vitam
Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of England &c To all and all maner Printers Bookesellers Stacioners and all
other our officers mynysters and Subiectes whatsoever they be, greting. We do yowe to understande that we of
our grace especiall certeyn knowledge and mere mocion haue geuen and graunted [licence and priuiledge] and by theis our present lettres we do for
vs our heires and Successours graunte and gyve licence and priuiledge vnto our welbeloued Subiect Rycharde Tottell
of our Citie of London Stacioner and Printer, that ys and shalbe lawfull onlie to the saide Richarde and his assignes
to ymprynte or cause to be ymprinted so longe as he shall behaue and demesne him selfe well in vsing of the said
priuiledge all and all maner of bookes whatsoever they be which touche or concerne the common lawes of this our
realme of England either heretofore alredie ymprinted or not ymprinted whereof no other persone or persones hath at
this present any speciall priuiledge or licence in sufficient writing vnder our great Seale of England heretofore
to him or them graunted and made            And further we do straightlie charge and commaunde all and everie the printers
Bookesellers Stacioners and other our Subiectes whatsoever they be for the tyme being that they nor non of them other
then the said Richarde Tottell and his assignes do at any tyme hereafter during the naturall life of the said
Richarde aforesaid ymprinte or cause to be ymprinted any booke or bookes whatsoever they be of and concerning the
said common lawes and heretofore by theis presentes graunted and licenced to be ymprinted by the said Richarde and his
assignes onlie upon payne of forfeyture aswell of twelfe pence in money for euerie one of the said bookes to thuse of
vs our heires and successours as also all and euerie of the said bookes so to be by them or any of them ymprinted contrarie
to the meanyng of theis our lettres to the vse of the aforenamed Richarde Tottell and his assignes and further to
incurre our indignacion and displeasure for the breaking and neglecting of this our present graunte and priuiledge. And
further our pleasure ys and we do graunte by theis presentes that in recompence of the good industrie payne and
charges of the said Richarde or his assignes to be susteyned and borne in that behalfe that no persone or persones
whatsoever shall or maye attempte to ymprinte or cause to be ymprinted any other booke or bookes whatsoever
they be which he the said Richarde Tottell or his assignes shall first take in hande and ymprinte or cause to be
ymprinted owt of any written copie or copies or any other copie booke or bookes which he the said Richarde or his
assignes hath or shall attayne vnto or b[u]y at any other mans hands during the aforesaid tyme of this our present
priuiledge upon the payne and paynes before expressed. Willing therfor and commaunding all and euerie our Ministers
Officers and Subiectes whatsoever they be as they tender our fauour and will auoyde our displeasure that they and
euerie of them if nede shall so require do ayde and assiste the said Richard and his assignes in the due
accomplisshment and execucion of this our presente graunte With effecte according to the true meanyng of the same
In witnesse whereof &c Witnesse our self at Westm the xijth daye of Ianuary                              per ipsam Reginam &c


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK