# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Imperial Privilege for Arnolt Schlick, Speyer (1511)

Source: Marienbibliothek Halle

Imperial Privilege for Arnolt Schlick, Speyer (1511), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 3 of 4 total

and for the organists [as such]. This booklet he is willing
to put into print - first and foremost for the praise and
glory of God - but also to promote the common
good by revealing in this book how one can
avoid the significant expenses which have hitherto been
laid out on the works of an organ due to their instability.
And so as to find the more easily a skilful
printer, who would agree to print his manuscript
with a sharp and legible type, as well as to gain
some reward for his labour and sorrow from the
book's sale, he has humbly appealed to and
requested Us to graciously provide him with
Our Imperial privilege, to the effect that for the
next ten years from the date of this Our letter,
no one may reprint the aforementioned booklet -
into which he has set his work - without his knowledge
and consent; and the same applies to another work:
"Tablature and such like: an aid for playing the organ
and diverse stringed instruments," that he intends to
write and publish in the near future. This request
We are willing to grant, in view of the aforesaid
reasons, and for the sake, above all, of promoting
the common good. And, thus, We advise you all,
earnestly bid each one of you, and wish: that you
firmly protect the said organist Arnolt Schlick
in this grace and privilege which he has received
from Us; and do not permit the first mentioned work
and booklet - as well as the other work included above -


zürichten und stellen soll / Dasselb puechlin Er gott
zü vordrist zü lob und Ere / auch gemainem nutz zü
gütem. dardurch der mercklich vncosten. so bißher auf
die werch der Orgeln irer vnbestanndigkeit halber ye
züzeitten gangen ist. verhütte werdt. in ainen druckh.
solhs menigclich zü offenwaren / zü bringen willens
sey. Unnd damitt Er dann destfügklicher ainen ge=
schickten püechtruecker. der beruert sein püechlin unnd
werch mit ainem scharffen und leslichen puechstaben
correct druecken / vnd Er alßdann seiner arbait vnnd
muehe mitt verkaüffung derselben etwas ergetzlichait
gehaben muege. Unns diemütiglich angerueffen vnd
gebetten. ine mit vnnser keyserlichen freyheit / das ime
in Zehen jarnn den negsten / nach dato dits vnnsers
briefs volgend / niemands on sein wissen vnd züge=
ben obangezeigt sein aufgericht werch puechlein / oder
anders als Tabulatur / unnd der gleichen zü den Or=
geln / unnd anndern Saitenspillen dinstlich. so er in
kurtz auch auffzürichten / vnd an den tag zü bringen
willens sey / nachdrückhe / gnediglichen züfürsehen.
Das wir dann auß obangetzaigten vrsachen vnnd
sonnderlich zu furdrung des gemainen nütz zütuen ge=
naigt sein. Unnd emphelhen demnach Euch allen.
vnd Ewer yedem besonder ernnstlich gebietend / vnd
wellen. daz ir bemelten Maister Arnolden Schlicken
Organisten. bey vorbestimbter vnnser gnad und frey
hait. von vnnsern wegen vestiglichen hanndthabet /
vnd nicht gestattet / das die vorberuerten sein werch=
puechlein / unnd anders / wie oben begriffen ist / in ob


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK