# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Resolutions concerning the Dutch School Order, The Hague (1625-1626)

Source: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KW 402 A 31

Resolutions concerning the Dutch School Order, The Hague (1625-1626), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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Chapter 1 Page 1


The 27th of September.


[IN THE MARGIN: Order laid down on the Latin Schools withis this Province, with order to all Headmasters and Teachers to comply therewith. This order to be printed in name of the Heeren Staaten with a Preamble.]

The Committee Members for the examination of the Order by the Senate of the University of Leyden, to the creation of uniform Classes and Lessons in all the Latin Schools of this Province, firmly declare to find this meritful, beneficial, praiseworthy and edifying for the young youth:
Having been deliberated on by the Noble Lords and Cities, the Order has been decreed, with order and command to the Headmasters and Teachers who work at, or keep Latin Schools in these lands to comply therewith, with prohibition of everyone to keep no Latin Schools on other Order, on penalty of sentencing by arbitration, and command that the aforesaid Order in all Cities and Towns where there are kept Latin Schools, is implemented as soon as possible, whether by changing of the Lessons or otherwise, indeed thus that it will have to be implemented before Easter next at all Schools, on penaly as above; of which order a double has been sent to some Cities: And it is understood that this Order will be printed in name of the Lords States with a Preamble, and the aforesaid command.


Chapter 1 Page 2



The 2nd of October 1625.

[IN THE MARGIN: Order on the Latin Schools withis the Province of Holland.]

Has been read the Draft of the Order, one thus may print it for the implementation of the School Order in all the Latin Schools of this Province: Which, after deliberation, has been approved and ordered to be printed, and made to be observed everywhere.

The States of Holland and West-Frysia;
Now having learned for a long time the great disorder that has been held at the Latin Schools of its aforesaid Province, wherein each Headmaster created the Classes, and taught such Books as he found appropriate,
Or indeed was customary at that School;
And if the young Youth or Pupils thereafter will be brought to another School, other Classes, Lessons or Books have to be learned, to great delay of the studies; and what was worse, coming at the University, and there with other fundamentals learned, show themselves to have a troubling difference in knowledge: In order to provide for this, We had made the Curators of the University at Leyden hear the Chancellor and Senate of the aforesaid University about it, as well as the Representatives of both the Synods of this Province, particularly written to about this, and having heard these considerations in detail, orally as well as in writing, the aforesaid Senate by her Representatives from all this had made and formulated a certain order on the creation of the Classes and giving of the Lessons in all the Latin Schools of these Lands, which the aforesaid Curators have handed over to Us with their Advice; reading as follows hereafter.

Chapter 1 Page 3


The 2nd of October.

Distinctio Classium
Atque exercitationum.
Quae deinceps in Scholis instituentur, iisdem Classium nominibus per
Provincias reservatis.

Pietas prora ac puppis studiorum esse debet. Eoque omnes huc conatus, labores ac vigilias dirigere oportet, summaque ope nitendum, ut ea imprimis animis puerorum imburnter. Ideo diebus Dominicis opera sedulo danda est, ut Discipuli conciones sacras, tum ante tum post meridiem, frequentent, posteaque recitentque meminerint. Profestis etiam diebus initium in omnibus Scholia a sacris precibus fiat, ac cum precibus itidem iidem dimittantur. Caput praeterea e veteri & Novo Testamento mane, cum conveniut, legatur. In superioribus etiam Classibus vesperi aliquid de Psalmis canatur Davidicis; quo piis canticis, eorumque modulationi a pueris assuescant. Adhaec diebus feriatis Catechesis aliique libri ad pietatem pertinentes, eo praelegantur ordine quo de singulis inferius Classibus explicabitur.

Classis Sexta.
Tyrunculorum est, qui ex rudimentis (figuram vulgo appellant) pardigmata declinationum & conjungationum ediscent; deinde ex iisdem rudimentis recitent nomina & verba, quorum frequentior usus est; tum personarum, numerorum, temporum & modorium significationem, aliquot denique selectiora dicta, quibus eorundem illorum verborum nexus ostendatur & inculcetur. Inde progressus ad partes orationis fiat, & breviter ac simpliciter, exemplis magis quam definitionibus accuratis, eas internoscere doceantur; & nominum quidem, quae propria quae appellativa; verborum autem quae activa, quae passiva, quae substantiva; praepositiones quem casum postulent; reliquarum aliquot exempla suffecerint. His instructi jam, idonei videntur, ut ad Lythocomi Etimologiae praecepte generalia de generibus, genitivis, praeteritis ac supinis accedant; & Corderii faciliora colloquia, vel Erasmi familiares formulas sic adjungant, ut cujufque lectionis vocabula ad partes orationis suas referantur; declinentur atque conjugentur, quae partium erunt mutabilium.
Praeterea quotidiae hora una litteras formare nectereque discant, elegantiaque eam ad rem exemplaria proponantur.

Chapter 1 Page 4


The 2nd of October.

Diebus vero Mercurii & Sabbati, quae ea sebdomade didicerint, repetantur. Adhaec precationum formulae, Symbolum Apostolicum, Decalogus, Baptismi, Item Institutio ac Caenh Dominicae. Ad haec disciplinae Ecclesiasticae, Belgice, ut captui puerorum consulatur memoriae mandentur.

Classis Quinta.
Diebus Lunae, Martis, Jovis, Veneris.

[Hora 7] Etymologiam Lithocomi, cujus principio tyrun- culi fuperioris Claffis imbiberunt, ferio jam abfolvant.
[Hora 9] Ciceronis Epistolae partim ex illis ad familiares, partim illis ad Atticum, selectae ad captum pueritiae praelegantur. Nullaque in iis praetereatur sententia, quin & belgice reddatur & ad normam syntaxeos exigatur; vocabula etiam sicut prius inflectantur & exponantur; formulae observatione digniores annotentur, ut eas Discipuli in sermone quotidiano & styli exercitiis usurpare assuescant.
[Hora 10] Styli exercitium esto extemporale e Ciceronis lectione ante habita.
[Hora 1] Litteras scite pingere discant. Nec punctium modo, sed etiam orthographiae & interpunctionis ratio habeatur, tum in Belgicis, tum Latinis. Etiam Graece per intervalla susaeciva legere & alphabetum pingere incipiant, propositio eam ad rem exemplari typorum regiorum.
[Hora 2] Catonis exponantur disticha. In quibus eadem ratio ineatur, ac de Ciceronis Epistolis antea dicebamus. Item, discatur Nomenclator Hadrianii Junii contractus.
[Hora 4] Doceantur magis necessaria syntaxeos Lithocomi regulae. Item, Erasmi Libellus de civilitate morum uno alteroque loco emendatus. In quo regularum etiam usus ostendetur.

Diebus Mercurii & Sabatti.
[Hora 7] Repetantur ilia quae ea hebdomade exposita.
[Hora 9] Catechesis Latino Belgica memoriae mandetur, inque ea pro discipulorum captu examen instituatur.
[Hora 10] Styli exercitium esto. Quod diebus feritatis triduo ante & hic, & in sequentibus Classibus praescribatur.
[Hora 1] Disputando certetur de loco.

Classis Quarta.
Diebus Lunae, Martis, Jovis & Veneris.
[Hora 7] Doceantur quae supererant difficiliora Syntaxeos Lythocomi praetepta. Item, Ciceronis, Cato aut Laelius, in quibus usus Syntaxeos etiam ostendetur.
[Hora 9] Terentius.

Chapter 1 Page 5


The 2nd of October.

[Hora 10] Styli exercitium extemporale ex Terentio & Cicerone.
[Hora 1] In Litteris eleganter pingendis se exerceant ac Orthographiae magis magisque ratio habeatur.
[Hora 2] Prosodia doceatur, eaque absoluta Ovidii tristia, vel de Ponto aut Bucolica Virgilii.
[Hora 4] Rudimenta e Grammatica Graeca Clenardi recensita; nempe doctrina de litteris accentium notis, declinationibus atque comparationibus. Adhaec recatio Dominica Graece discantur. Graecae autem lingua studium nulli arbitrarium esse oportet; quia omnis sapientiae atque eruditionis linguam eam fontem esse constat; ac ne Latinam quidem sine aliqua ejus cognitione posse intelligi.

Diebus Feriatis.
[Hora 7] Repetantur audita ea sebdomade.
[Hora 9] In Catechesi tanto majores lectiones praescribantur, quanto majores ea Classis progressus fecit. Ac similiter examen esto accuratius aliquantum, quam ante.
[Hora 10] Percepto prosodiae tyrocinio versus metiantur, carmen Adonium ordiantur, solutum hexametrum ad pedes & leges suas revocent. Epistole denique, & id genus themata ad lectionum unitationem praescribantur. Videndum vero hic, ut ex optimis Latinitatis autoribus, qui praeleguntur Belgicorum themarum materies sinuatur. Utque praeceptores in thematibus dictandis non voces tantum, sed distinctiones quoque ac notas diacriticas dictent. De quibus extat Aldi nepotis libellus Orthographiae subjectus.
[Hora 1] Disputatio esto pro Victoria loci.'

Classis Tertia.
Diebus Lunae, Martis, Jovis & Veneris.
[Hora 7] Integra Clenardi Etymologia discatur, quatenus praelegi solet. Et fabellae aliquo AEsophicae, atque hinc Isocrates ad Demonicum.
[Hora 9] Caesaris Commentarii.
[Hora 10] Extemporale sit exercitium, in quo discipuli Caesaris aut Ciceronis dictionem studeant imitari.
[Hora 1] Juxta elegans exemplar Latinae, Graeceque pingant, Ortographiae etiam habita ratione.
[Hora 2] Tropi & Schemata explicentur. Ex logica item, quae post docebitur, vocabula nonnulla logica viva voce explicentur; ut generis, speciei, causae, causati, subjecti, adjuncti, sine quibus non est, ut Rhetorice intelligi possit. Post ita praelegantur Ciceronis Epistolae quaedam graviores.
[Hora 4] Praelegatur Ovidii Metamorphosios Liber 2. 8. vel. 13. Item, Georgica Virgilii.

Chapter 1 Page 6


The 2nd of October.

Diebus Feriatis.
[Hora 7] Repetantur quae ea hebdomade explicata sunt.
[Hora 9] Catechesis & Psalmi Buchanani praelegantur.
[Hora 10] Stilus exerceatur. Crescat vero hic, & assurgat carminis meditatio, vel unius generis in aliud commutatio Praeterea, aut Poetae alicujus aliquid in prosam ad normam Poetae, qui praelegitur, in carmen vertant. Epistola vero inter exercitiore adolescentes, vel accusent, vel excusent, vel laudent, vel consolentur, vel simile quippiam conentur, in quo vix cuiquam argumenta deesse possint. Erit nimirum haec ad Rhetorices nec incommoda via, nec nigrata. Exempla autem ex Erasmo, aut alio, qui hac de re scripsit, petantur.

Classis Secunda.
Diebus Lunae, Martis, Jovis & Veneris.
[Hora 7] Alterius doceantur Rethorica Vossii contracta; & prima Logicae fundamenta quae haurienda ex Logica, quae in prima Classe plenius docetur.
[Hora 9] Cicero pro Archia, aut una, e tribus Caesareis aut e 4. Catilinariis, aut illo pro lege Manilia, quae simul edi possunt.
[Hora 10] Exercitium styli extemporale.
[Hora 1] Latine atque imprimis Graece pingendo se exerceant; aut in Musicis, ubi fieri potest.
[Hora 2] Virgilii AEneis, praecipuae Liber 2. 4. 6. In his etiam Orationum praecipua capita atque observentur.
[Hora 4] Alternis biduis doceantur nunc e Posselii Syntaxi praecipuae regulae: nunc Xenophon de institutione, Cyri aut Hesiodi opera & dies, aut Solonis & aliorum gnomae.

Diebus Mercurii & Sabatti.
[Hora 7] Repetantur ea hebdomade exposita.
[Hora 9] Catechesis Heydelbergensis explicetur, in qua praecipua dogmata uno alteroque Scripturae loco firmentur. Item, Testamentum Graecum; praecipue Euangelium Lucae & Acta Apostolorum.
[Hora 10] Chrys ac coeteris progymnasmatis, ac post etiam declamationibus manus admoveantur. In progymnasmatis Apsthonium aut Theonem sibi adolescentia proponet. Coeterum cum laudatissimum exercitium sit, autorum in sermonem vernaculum iisdemque remotis in Latinum versio, locum ei damus in hac classe potissimum, & locum simul studio magis expoliendi carminis. Etiam diligenter Poesios ratio habeatur: Inque ea cum cura, ac non pro arbitrio adolescentium, instituatur juventus; ut ea ratione ad varios optimosque autores legendos vel intelligendos, tum etiam ad Sapientiam ac Ethicum praesertim studium praeparetur.
[Hora 1] Disputando de loco concertatio sit.

Chapter 1 Page 7


The 2nd of October.

Classis Prima.
Hujus ordinis duo, ubi visum est, constitui poterunt, Inferior superiorque.
Inferiori haec ratio obtineat.
Diebus Lunae, Martis, Jovis & Veneris.

[Hora 7] Logica Keckermanni a Burgersdicio recensita. In logicis autem magis usum quam argutias spectari volumus; autoresque in quibus Logices usus ostendendus, retexantur non in ea, quae nunquam ipsis in mentem venerunt, sed in partes & argumenta eminentia atque evidentia.
[Hora 9] Ciceronis Miloniana, vel orationes Salustii, Livii, Curtii selectae.
[Hora 10] Vacabunt domi Studiis.
[Hora 1] Domi itidem Studiis operam dabunt.
[Hora 2] Horatii Odae, quae in hanc rem seligendae, & seorsim excudendae. Aut ars Poetica ejusdem.
[Hora 4] Homeri Liber 1. 2. 4. aut Euripidis aliquid.

Classis Primo ordo alter.
In superiori ordine, ubi is pro loci conditione admitti solet, initia solidioris Philosophiae traduntur. Atque hic docebitur Phisica Magiri, Ethico Wallaei, Arithmetica Gemmae Frisii, Sphaerica Sacrobasci, latinitate ubi potest emendata. Item propter universalem Historia Romanam & externam, Florus & Juitinus. Item ex Mela, aut Dodonaei, & sex septentabulis praecipuis Ortelii, docebitur situs nobilis orbis terrarum.

Diebus Mercurii & Sabatti, in utroque ubi uterque erit, Primae Classis ordine.
Poesis ut luculentis incrementis adolescat ad imitationem Odatum Horatii variis Carminum generibus excolatur. Dispositio & forma, puta vel Epithalamium vel funebre Carmen, vel Panegyricum, vel aliud pangendi, vel Epigramma scribendi, petatur e Scaligeri libris de re Poetica. Adhaec Graece non solum Epistolas, sed oratiunculas etiam & versiculos provictiores scribant. Latinas Chrias & declamationes ejusmodi sic elaborem ut auribus digna videantur politiorum auditorum. Observandum quoque, ut styli exercitia, non ex profanis modo, sed ex sacris pro oblata occasione sinuantur.
Catechefis doceatur, in qua praeter superiora etiam objectiones quaedam adversariorum vulgatiores adferantur solideque solvantur Graecum Testamentum privatim & suo Marte jam legant. In Schola autem oceatur Historia Ecclesiastica Sulpiti Severi, ac quia is in annorum ratione sequitur Lxx. Interpretes, ad marginem vera annorum series juxta fontem Haebreum apponatur. Quae vero tempus illud, in quo

Chapter 1 Page 8


The 2nd of October.

desinit Sulpitius, consecuta fuere, suppleri possunt ex libello Sleidani de quatuor Imperiis.
[Hora 1] Qui Musicae Studio capiuntur, in eo se exerceant.
Atque haec de Classium singularium praelectionibus. Ubi vero pauciores fuerint praeceptores, quam Classes, ibi unus praeficiatur duabus vel pluribus; ita tamen ut eadem auctorum ac organicarum Artium ratio habeantur.
Quodque ad auctores qui praeleguntur, denuo correcte excudantur, brevibusque argumentis, atque ubi opus est, annotatiunculis, pro adolescentum capite illustrentur.
Adhaec in omnibus Classibus opera dabitur, ut discipuli adsuescant sermoni Latino, eique puro ac verso: Item, ut moribus excolantur ingenuis ac honestis. Atque utile propterea erit, ut, quemadmodum fieri solet in Scholis bene constitutis, alii ab aliis notentur, qui vel vernaculo Sermone usi sunt, vel vitioso, Latinisque auribus insueto, vel moribus fuerint improbis, illiberalibus, agrestibus ac immodestis.
Denique quia multi discipulorum immature in Academiam se conferunt, Consultum sit tales discrimine aliquo ab aliis notari. Quale erit, si Rectores eos solos, qui legitime per omnes promoti sunt Classes, priusquam in Academiam veniunt, testimonio prosequantur.

Which Order, having been seen, and additionally put in the hands of several Members, to examine this even further, which report having been heard by Us, We have ordered and laid down, as we hereby order and lay down, that all Headmasters and Teachers of the Latin Schools in these Lands, in the creation of their Classes, teaching of Fundamentals and Authors, and the performing of their Lessons, will have to comply therewith: Prohibiting everyone to keep any Latin School in other Order, or to teach other Fundamentals or Authors, on sentencing by arbitration: Commanding expressly that the provided Order will be implemented as soon as possible in all the Cities and Towns of this Province, where are kept Latin Schools, whether by changing of the Lessons or otherwise, and in all cases so timely that before Easter nect this will be set in motion everywhere, on the aforesaid penalty: Order to that end Our Order to be printed and send to the Lords and Officials in all Cities, as well as the Head Officers and Justices of these Lands to enforce, and furthermore monitor it, in order that it can be prosecuted unceremoniously and with immediate execution; because We have found such appropriate for the benefit of the young Youth.
Done in the Hague, first October 1625.

Chapter 1 Page 9


The 20th of December.


[IN THE MARGIN: Whether to have the first Edition of the Latin School Order printed in Leyden, to, etc.]

Has also been presented for deliberation to be allowed to have done the first Edition of the Books of the School Order, revised and addressed by the Deputies of the Senate of the University, in Leyden, so that the first Copies may be printed perfectly; but because most Members objected against this, all Members should remain free to do so.


Chapter 1 Page 10


The 8th of April.


[IN THE MARGIN: Term of the School Order is to be extended by six months. Patent for some years to have the Books printed in Leyden.]

On the proposal of the Lords of Leyden, whether one would extend the School order with another six months, because not all Books were there and printed, and whether one had to grant the Professors (who corrected the Books) patent for some years to have the Books printed at Leyden, so that these would be printed well and correctly for the first time:
Has been understood and decided that the Lords Delegates

Chapter 1 Page 11


The 8th of April.

of the States are authorized to pull the corrected Copies from the hands of the aforementioned Professors, and to provide that these, conform the Resolution of 20th December, may be printed, and send to the Cities and Town as soon as possible; meanwhile the Chancellors advertising everywhere of the delay occurred of this devised order, and that one will send them the Books as soon as possible: that also the Hon. Lords Delegates of the States may pay attention to the labour of the aforesaid Professors who have done the corrections, to provide them with a fair compensation for their trouble.


Chapter 1 Page 12


The 23rd and 24th of September.


[IN THE MARGIN: Dedication to your High Mightiness by the Professor Burgesdyk, on the Book entitled Justitiones Logicae, etc.]

Has been presented to the Meeting a Book, entitled Justitiones Logicae, made by the Professor Burgersdyk, dedicated to the Lords of Parliament and ordered to be taught in all Schools; But because he, against the Resolution of 20th December 1625, had obtained Patent thereto; has been understood that the patent will not have force, and that one will honour him with a hundred and fifty guilders for him trouble and Dedication.


Chapter 1 Page 13


The 1st of October.


[IN THE MARGIN: Argument of the Professor Burgerdyk regarding the revoking of the Patent on his Book Institutiones Logicae, etc.]

At the further Argument of the Professor Burgerdyck on the damage he will incur, if the Lords States revoke the Patent on which he has had printed his Book Institutiones Logicae, it has been understood and decided that the aforesaid Patent will serve him from now on for another year in order to get rid of his Copies in the meantime, at the price as the Lords Delegates of the States will deem appropriate, and will not be permitted to have more printed.


Chapter 1 Page 14


The 19th of November.


[IN THE MARGIN: RCompensation to be given to the six Professors of Leyden for the corrections and revisions]

On the proposed compensating of the six Professors of Leyden who have interests in the corrections and revisions of the Books of the School order of the Latin Schools, with respect to the long labour and great effort given: has been understood and decided that they together will enjoy a compensation of

Chapter 1 Page 15


The 19th of November.

[IN THE MARGIN: of the Books of the School order of the Latin Schools, etc.]

two thousand guilders, whereof the Effectuation will be given in the hands of the Curators to distribute it under these Professors according to the labour done by each.


Chapter 1 Page 16


The 4th of December.


[IN THE MARGIN: Payment tot be done to the Printers of the Books of the School order, etc.]

Having been in deliberation on how to pay the Printers of the Books of the School order: has been understood and decided that these will be payed by the Receiver Mierop, and that the allocation will be read in this Meeting, in order that each Member may approve to provide that the Receiver Mierop may be renumerated therefrom.

The 5th of December 1626.

[IN THE MARGIN: Order of the School books, how many each City, etc.]

The allocation of the order of the aforesaid School books, and how many each City will have to carry therein, has been read outloud to the Members, whereafter the Members have approved to each

Chapter 1 Page 17


The 5th of December.

pay their Quota to the General Receiver Mierop, provided that one sends the Books to the Cities, and delivers to each an inventory of its number.


Translation by: Miluska Kooij


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