Establishment of the First Printing House in Norway (1643)

Source: Norwegian National Archives, via Digitalarkivet, Stattholderembetet 1572-1771, RA/EA-2870/Ac/L0001: Supplikasjons- og resolusjonsprotokoll, 1642-1650, s. 24b-25a.

Establishment of the First Printing House in Norway (1643), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: sc_1643

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Full title:
Trygge Nielsen, book printer, appeals to His Majesty or to Chancellor Christian Thomesen (...) that he may be promised to print almanacs (...) as well as common school books.

Full title original language:
Tygge Nielsen bogtrøcker supp.t om forschriffuelse til Kol. Ma. eller cantzelern Christian Thomesen, at hand motte forløffuis almanacher (...) och gemeene schole bøgger at trøche.

It was 161 years after the establishment of a printing press in Denmark that the first permanent printing press was set up by the printer Tyge Nilssøn in Christiania (now Oslo) in Norway in 1643. The establishment of a permanent printing press in Christiania coincided with a major reorganisation of the printing industry in Denmark-Norway during the seventeenth century, when a number of printing presses were established in the provinces, i.e. outside the capital of Copenhagen in Denmark. Although the original privilege granted to Nilssøn, which by law he must have received before coming to Christiania, has been lost, this document suggests that the privilege did not include almanacs and schoolbooks. Nilssøn's application for a privilege to print almanacs and schoolbooks suggests that the market was large enough to justify the desire to control it.

Commentary: No commentaries for this record.


Related documents in this database:
1643: Establishment of the First Printing House in Norway

Author: N/A

Publisher: N/A

Year: 1643

Location: N/A

Language: Danish

Source: Norwegian National Archives, via Digitalarkivet, Stattholderembetet 1572-1771, RA/EA-2870/Ac/L0001: Supplikasjons- og resolusjonsprotokoll, 1642-1650, s. 24b-25a.

Persons referred to:
Nielsen, Tygge
Thomesen, Christian

Places referred to:

Cases referred to:

Institutions referred to:


books, protected subject matter
learning, the advancement of
price regulation

Responsible editor: Marius Buning

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