
Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (9 May), London (1842)

Source: University of Birmingham Library: Hansard, 3rd Ser., vol.63, 777-813

Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (9 May), London (1842), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: uk_1842j

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Full title:
Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill, Hansard, 3rd Ser., 63 (1842): 777-813 (26 May)

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This document is associated with the following core document: uk_1842

Commentary: No commentaries for this record.


Related documents in this database:
1837: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (14 Dec.)
1837: Copyright Bill (6 June)
1838: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (25 April)
1838: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (9 May)
1838: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (6 June)
1838: Copyright Bill (27 Feb.)
1838: Copyright Bill (6 June)
1839: Copyright Bill
1839: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (27 Feb.)
1839: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (1 May)
1839: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (9 July)
1840: Copyright Bill
1840: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (4 Feb.)
1840: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (14 Feb.)
1840: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (8 July)
1841: Copyright Bill
1841: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (27 Jan.)
1841: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (29 Jan.)
1841: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Bill (5 Feb.)
1842: Copyright Act
1842: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (8 Feb.)
1842: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (21 Feb.)
1842: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (3 Mar.)
1842: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (16 Mar.)
1842: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (23 Mar.)
1842: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (6 April)
1842: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (20 April)
1842: Parliamentary Debates on the Copyright Act (9 May)
1842: Bill to Amend the Law of Copyright (4 March)
1842: Bill to Amend the Law of Copyright (23 March)
1842: Bill to Amend the Law of Copyright (21 April)
1842: Bill to Amend the Law of Copyright (27 June)

Author: N/A

Publisher: N/A

Year: 1842

Location: London

Language: English

Source: University of Birmingham Library: Hansard, 3rd Ser., vol.63, 777-813

Persons referred to:
Alembert, Jean le Rond D'
Arago, Dominique François Jean
Arkwright, Sir Richard
Blackstone, William
Blomfield, Charles James
Brougham, Henry Peter, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux
Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton
Campbell, John, 1st Baron Campbell
Campbell, Thomas
Chantrey, Sir Francis Legatt
Christie, William Dougal
Copley, John Singleton, 1st Baron Lyndhurst
Fust, Johannes
George III
Gutenberg, Johannes
Longman, Thomas Norton
Lyttelton, George William, 4th Baron Lyttelton
Mansfield, William Murray, 1st Earl
McCulloch, John Ramsay
Millar, Andrew
Milton, John
Murray, John, II
Napier, Macvey
Newcomen, Thomas
Pepys, Charles Christopher, 1st Earl of Cottenham
Playfair, John
Romilly, Samuel
Schöffer, Peter
Scott, Sir Walter
Shakespeare, William
Stewart, Dugald
Tacitus, Publius
Talfourd, Thomas Noon
Taylor, Robert
Thomson, James
Watt, James
Worcester, Edward Somerset, 2nd Marquis of
Wordsworth, William
Wortley Montagu, Sir Edward

Places referred to:
New York

Cases referred to:
Donaldson v. Becket (1774) 4 Burr. 2408, 2 Bro. P.C. 129
Millar v. Taylor (1769) 4 Burr. 2303

Institutions referred to:
Court of King's Bench
Court of Queen's Bench
House of Commons
House of Lords
Privy Council
Sion College, London
Society of the King's Inns, Dublin
University and King's College of Aberdeen
University of Cambridge
University of Edinburgh
University of Glasgow
University of Oxford
University of St Andrews
Westminster Hall

An Ordinance for the Regulation of Printing 1643
Copyright Act, 1801, 41 Geo.III, c.107
Copyright Act, 1814, 54 Geo.III, c.156
French Copyright Act 1793
Prussian Copyright Act 1837
Russian Council of State decree (1830), on the duration of copyright
Statute of Anne, 1710, 8 Anne, c.19

authorship, joint or collaborative
duration, post mortem term
industrial revolution
interest groups
patents, for invention

Responsible editor: Ronan Deazley

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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK