# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Petition from and Privilege granted to Antonio Tempesta for a map of Rome (1593)

Source: Vatican Secret Archives, Sec. Brev. Reg. 208 F. 74

Petition from and Privilege granted to Antonio Tempesta for a map of Rome (1593), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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Holy Father
[1-12] Antonio Tempesta, Florentine painter, having in this city published a work of new Rome, of which he is not only the creator, but also has designed and engraved it with his own hand, with much personal expense, effort, and care for many years, and fearing that others may usurp this work from him for themselves by copying it, and consequently gather the fruits of his efforts, therefore approaches Your Holiness and humbly requests him to deign to grant him a special privilege as is usually granted to every creator of new works, so that no one in the Papal State may for ten years print, have printed, or have others make the said work, and [further requests] that all other works that the Supplicant shall in the future create or publish with permission of the superiors may enjoy the same Privilege as well so that he may with so much greater willingness attend to and labor every day to create new things for the utility of all, and for his own honor, because he will receive the singular privilege from Your Holiness.



P{ad}re Santo
1. Antonio Tempesti Fiorentino pittore in questa città havendo messa fuori alla stampa un’opera
2. d’una Roma nuova; della quale non solo è stato inventore; ma anco[ra] l’ha di sua mano disse=
3. gnata et intagliata, con molta sua spesa, fattica, et vigilie de qualche anni, e dubitando che
4. qualche altri non vengli usurparsi quest’opera col copiarla, e conseguentemente a rac=
5. cogliere il frutto delle fattiche sue; Per[ci]ò ricorre a Vostra Santità et humilmente la supplica a degnarsi
6. di concederli un particolar privilegio come si suole ad ogni inventore d’opere nuove, che
7. nessuno nel stato ecclesiastico possa per dieci anni stampare, o farlo stampare, o far da altri
8. la detta opera, et il medesimo Privilegio godino ancora tutte le altre opere che da esso
9. supplicante in avenire saranno inventate, o posti in luce con licentia de superiori acciò
10. che egli possa con tanto maggior animo attendere et affaticarsi giornalmente in cose nuove
11. per commune utilità, et honor suo, il che riceverà per singola gratia dalla santità vostra Quam Deus ~~ 


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK