# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Petition of and Privilege to Orazio Torsellini for his History of the House of Loreto, Rome (1598)

Source: Vatican Secret Archives Sec. Brev. Reg. 266 F. 50 (1598)

Petition of and Privilege to Orazio Torsellini for his History of the House of Loreto, Rome (1598), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 1 of 3 total

Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines

[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin

{ } = supplied by transcribers

Bold Script [or] Script or scribble = written in a different hand(s)

Strike through = crossed out, but legible

[XXX] = illegible

Sec Brev. Reg. 266 F 50


Most Reverend Monsignor [addressed to Cardinal]

I have been six or seven times to the home of Your Most Reverend Holiness to hand over to you (in conformity with your orders) my History of Loreto, and due to various happenstances I have never been able to speak with you.  Finally, having heard that you leave home early in the morning and remain for lunch at the palace and often do not return until late in the evening, I resolved to send you the present letter, for which I excuse myself for having to do by this means what I had wished to do orally.

Yesterday the Cardinal of Camerino, as Vice Protector of the holy house of Loreto sent one of his men to tell me that he had in any event spoken with His Holiness concerning the said History, and had implored the grace of a privilege for the Papal States, and that he had moreover spoken about this with your Most Reverend Holiness.  I now pray you, for the love and reverence you bear to the Most Holy Madonna, to be willing to obtain the expediting of the said privilege as soon as possible, so that the publication of the work be not further delayed. For which I will remain in your perpetual debt.  And you will be sure not to be without your well-bound copy of the book.  [Sent from] our Collegio on the 11th day of December 1597.

The most affectionate servant in Christ of your Most Reverend Holiness

Orazio Torsellini

I remind you that it does not matter to me that the privilege extend beyond the Papal States.


Superscript = inserted by original or different author between lines

[ ] = inserted by original or different author in margin

{ } = supplied by transcribers

Bold Script [or] Script or scribble = written in a different hand(s)

Strike through = crossed out, but legible

[XXX] = illegible

Sec Brev. Reg. 266 F 50


R/mo Mons/re

Sono stato da sei in sette volte in casa di VS R/ma per consegnarle (conforme all’ordine suo) la mia Storia di Loreto, et per diversi accidenti mai gli ho potuto parlare.  Finalmente havendo io inteso, qualmente lei si parte di casa la mattina a buon’ hora, e resta a pranzo a palazzo, ne sole tornare, so non la sera tardi, mi sono risoluto mandarli la presente poliza, si per mia scusa, come per far con essa, quel che volevo far a bocca.

Hieri a punto il Sig/r Cardinale di Camerino, come Viceprotettore della S/ta Casa di Loreto, mi mandò a dire, per un suo, qualmente havea parlato con S. S/ta sopra di detta Historia, et impetrato gratia del Privilegio per lo stato ecclesiastico, et di piu che havea parlato sopra di cio con V.S. R/ma.  Hora io la priego, per l’amore e riverenza che porta alla Mad/a santissima, a voler procurare la speditione di detto Privilegio quanto prima, acciò l’opera non si piu trattenuta.  Ch’io gliene restaro con obligo perpetuo.  Et il suo libro ben ligato non gli mancherà.  Dal nostro Collegio a di 11 di Dicembre del 1597.

                                Di V.S. R/ma

Gli ricordo che non mi curo, ch’il Privilegio si stenda fuora dell Stato Eccl[esiast]ico

                                                        Aff/mo Servo in Chr[ist]o

                                                        Orazio Torsellini


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