# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Ordinance concerning Printers, Booksellers and School masters, Brussels (1570)

Source: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KW 1704 C 55

Ordinance concerning Printers, Booksellers and School masters, Brussels (1570), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 16 of 16 total

it may concern, their Stadtholders and any of them in particular as he will deem appropriate, that they, each for himself, will make this here present order, statute, edict and command, be announced and published immediately, in the cities, locations and borders of his jurisdiction respectively, where it is customary to do announments and publications. So that noone could pretend ignorance thereof. And furhermore make the order be complied with and observes, in each and every of its points and articles according to their form and content.
Prosecute and have prosecuted against the infringers and disobedients by the implementation of the penalties mentioned above, without grace, reprieve, remission or forebearance. In order to do so, if this concerns them, we give them, as well as the commisionaries, visitors, examinators and headprinter aforesaid, and each of them, complete power, authority and special command. Dictate and command everyone that they do this, strictly understand and obey. Because this pleases us. For the ratification we have put our seal hereon. Given in our City of Brussels, xixth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand fivehundred and seventy. Of our nations, namely of Spain, Sicily, etc. the xvth and of Naples the xviith.

By the King
In his Stead.



dit aengaen sal, huere Stedehouders ende elcken van hen besundere zoe hem toebehoiren zal, dat zy dese onse ieghenwoirdige ordinantie, statuyt, edict ende gebot, terstont doen vuytroepen ende publiceren elck int zijne, inde steden, vlecken ende limiten van zijnder iurisdictie respectiuelijck, daermen gewoenlijck is vuytroepingen ende publicatien te doene. Op dat niemant daervan ignorantie en soude mogen pretenderen. Ende voirts de selue ordinantie doen onderhouden ende obserueren, in alle ende eeniegelijcke huere puncten ende artickelen nae huere vorme ende inhouden. Procederende ende doende procederen tegens de ouertreders ende ongehoirsaeme by executie vande penen bouen geroert, sonder eenige gratie, gunste, verdrach oft dissimulatie. Des te doene, mits diesser aencleeft, geuen wy hen, mitgaders den commissarissen, visitateurs, examinateurs ende hooftprinter voirschreuen, ende elcken van hen, volcommen macht, auctoriteyt ende zunderling beuel. Ontbieden ende beuelen eeneniegelijcken, dat zy hen t'selue doende, ernstelijcken verstaen ende obedieren. Want ons alsoe gelieft. Des t'oirconden hebben wy onsen zegel hieraen doen hangen. Gegeuen in onser Stadt van Bruessele den xix. dach van Meye, int iaer ons Heeren duysent vijfhondert t'zeuentich. Van onsen rijcken, te wetene van Spaenguyen, Sicillien, etc. t'xve ende van Napels t'xvije.

By den Coninck
In zijnen Rade.



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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK