# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Petitions from and Privilege granted to Gerard Voss for his Latin translation of the works of St. Ephrem of Syria, Rome (1589)

Source: 140 Sec Brev Reg F 314 (1589)

Petitions from and Privilege granted to Gerard Voss for his Latin translation of the works of St. Ephrem of Syria, Rome (1589), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 9 of 9 total

[Reprinted Privilege 1589 ed.]7


To the beloved son Gerard Voss, Priest of the Diocese of Liege
Master in Theology, etc.

[1-3] Beloved son, greetings, and Apostolic blessing.8 Since we have learned you have arranged for the first volume of all the works of Saint Father9 Ephrem of Syria—which have thus far been able to be discovered and obtained in Greek, and having been recently translated into Latin by you, and having been illustrated throughout with marginal notes—to be printed.

[4-7] We, who are accustomed to foster the talents of all learned men, and wishing that you proceed with special favor and grace, so that especially, as much that volume is already published, so much the rest in succession may issue by you uninterrupted as correctly as possible, nor be changed, or altered, or corrupted, or distorted by blemishes caused either by ill-will or negligence, or changed by adding or subtracting anything in any way.

[7-14] By motu proprio, not due to your insistence of the petition offered to us in this matter, nor due to that of another on your behalf, but from our certain knowledge, and from the plenitude of Apostolic power, by apostolic authority in the tenor of the present decrees we interdict and prohibit one and all the Christian faithful, of either sex, especially the printers of books, and booksellers, situated as in Rome, and in its district, and in the whole Ecclesisastical State, under [penalty] of five hundred ducats of gold (the type which is used by the Apostolic treasury) to be brought to our Apostolic treasury, by him himself, and the loss of all the books and the presses—so also in all Italy, and outside it in any location or established nation under penalty of a greater sentence of excommunication latae sententiae, to be incurred by him himself without another declaration.

[14-18] For ten years computed from the date of the decrees, no one should dare or presume to print the aforementioned first volume already published, nor each and every one of the rest of the volumes of the same works of the said Saint Ephrem, to be translated into the Latin language by you, and thereafter to be published similarly, for the duration of the decade, from whichever of them is to be numbered the first, without your written license, or having been changed in title or form by any pretext, or having been translated into any other language, or thus published, to sell them, or to offer them for sale.
[18-22] We order the venerable brother patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, and other ordinaries of places, and their Vicars General or officials in spiritual matters, and in the said ecclesiastic state the legates, vicelegates, governors, powers, and other officials, so that as much and as often as they should be requested through you or in your name, they would carry out these decrees against the disobedient, and cause them to be observed, with the help of the secular arm to be called upon also in this matter, or consulted, if there is need.

[22-30] Notwithstanding constitutions, apostolic ordinances, statutes and customs—strengthened by oath, apostolic confirmation, or any other reinforcement— or privileges, indulgences, and apostolic letters however conceded and confirmed to any persons whomsoever: we expressly and specifically in this matter derogate, as well as from all other things contrary whatsoever, with all being expressed sufficiently in the present decrees, and if they are to be inscribed according to what was said, the holders of these letters remain effective in their strength. We wish that in judicial matters the same absolute credit which would be applied to the present letters originally exhibited should be fully applied to copies of the present decrees, even printed in the volumes themselves. Dated in Rome at St. Peter's under the Ring of the Fisherman, on 22nd day of April, 1589, in the fourth year of our pontificate.10
M. Vestri Barbiani

7This version of the privilege granted to Gerard Voss was reprinted in the 1589 first edition of Voss’ compilation of St Ephrem’s works, referenced above. Discrepancies between the two privileges (i.e. 316r) have been underlined and noted. The 1589 edition has been digitized by Google Books, available at this link.
8Absent from 316r.
9Absent from 316r.
10Absent from 315r.


[Reprinted Privilege 1589 ed.]1
Dilecto filio Gerardo Vossio Presbytero Leodien.{sis} Dioeces
Magistro in Theologia, etc.
1. Dilecte Fili Salutem, & Apostolică benedictionem.2 Cùm sicut accepimus, primum Volumen ope=
2. rum omnium, quae3 graecem hactenus inveniri, & obtineri potuerunt S.Patris4 Ephraem Syri à te nu=
3. per latinitate donatum, & Scholiis ubique illustratum imprimi curaveris: Nos, qui eruditorum
4. omnium fovere solemus ingenia, volentes te specialibus favoribus, & gratiis prosequi; ut prae=
5. sertim, tam ipsum iam editum Volumen, quàm alia deinceps per te in lucem edenda, quàm
6. emendatissime prodeant, neve à quoquam vel malitia, vel negligentia, mendis depravari, aut
7. aliquo modo addendo, vel minuendo, mutari, alterari, vel corrumpi possint: Motu proprio, non ad tuam, vel al=
8. terius pro te nobis super hoc oblatae petitionis instantiam, sed ex certa nostra scientia, ac de Apostolicae potestatis
9. plenitudine, omnibus, & singulis Christifidelibus, praesertim librorum impressoribus, & Bibliopolis tam in Urbe,
10. & eius districtu, totoque statu Ecclesiastico sub quingentorum ducatorum auri de Camera, ipsi Camerae nostrae
11. Apostolicae eo ipso applicandorum, ac amissionis librorum, & typorum omnium, quàm etiam in tota Italia, &
12. extra eam ubivis locorum, & gentium constitutis, sub Excommunicationis maioris latae sententiae poenis eo ipso
13. absque alia declaratione incurrendis: Auctoritate Apostolica, tenore praesentium interdicimus, & inhibemus, ne
14. per decem annos à data praesentium computan.{dos} primum Volumen praedictum iam editum, & alia singula à te in
15. latinum idioma vertenda operum eorumdem S.Patris Ephraem volumina, & in posterum edenda, similiter duran=
16. te decennio à cuiusque illorum prima editione numerando, absque tua licentia in scriptis danda, imprimere, vel
17. alio titulo, vel forma, quovis praetextu mutata, vel alio quocunque idiomate versa edere, vel sic edita vendere, seu
18. venalia proponere, vel tenere audeant, seu praesumant. Mandantes Venerabilibùs Fratribus Patriarchis, Archi=
19. episcopis, Episcopis, aliisque locorum ordinariis, eorumque Vicariis , seu Officialibus in spiritualibus generali=
20. bus, ac in dicto statu Ecclesiastico Legatis, Vicelegatis, Gubernatoribus, Potestatibus, & aliis officialibus: ut
21. quando, & quoties per te, vel tuo nomine fuerint requisiti, praemissa contra inobedientes exequantur, & ob=
22. servari faciant, invocato etiam ad hoc, seu adhibito, si opus fuerit, auxilio brachii saecularis. Non obstantibus con=
23. stitutionibus, & ordinationibus Apostolicis, ac statutis, & consuetudinibus, iuramento, confirmatione Apostolica,
24. vel quavis firmitate alia roboratis, privilegiis quoque indultis ,& literis Apostolicis quibusvis personis quomo=
25. dolibet concessis, & confirmatis: Quibus omnibus illorum tenores, ac si ad verbum infererentur5 praesentibus, pro
26. sufficienter expressis habentes, illis aliàs in suo robore permansuris, hac vice dumtaxat specialiter, & expressè de=
27. rogamus, caeterisque contrariis quibuscunque. Volumus autem, ut praesentium transumptis ,etiam in ipsis Volumi=
28. nibus impressis eadem ubique in iudicio, vel extra adhibeatur fides, quae ipsis praesentibus literis originaliter ex=
29. hibitis adhiberetur. Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum sub Annulo Piscatoris, Die xxii. Aprilis
30. M. D. LXXXIX. Pontificatus Nostri Anno Quarto.6
M. Vestrius Barbianus

1 This version of the privilege granted to Gerard Voss was reprinted in the 1589 first edition of Voss’ compilation of St Ephrem’s works, referenced above. Discrepancies between the two privileges (i.e. 316r) have been underlined and noted. The 1589 edition has been digitized by Google Books, available at this link.
2 Absent from 315r.
3 Quod in 315r.
4 Sancti ephrem in 315r.
5 Inscriventur in 315r.
6 Absent from 315r.


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