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Core documents for Vatican:
Location Rome

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1509* Privilege granted to Tommaso Pighinucci for publishing “Medicina Plinii” Commentary: [1]
1571* Privilege granted to Andrea Palladio for his Four Books on Architecture, with supporting endorsement by member of the Roman Inquisition Commentary: [1]
1589* Petitions from and Privilege granted to Gerard Voss for his Latin translation of the works of St. Ephrem of Syria Commentary: [1]
1593* Petition from and Privilege granted to Giulio Burchioni for publishing a combined volume of works on table service and household management Commentary: [1]
1598* Petition of and Privilege to Orazio Torsellini for his History of the House of Loreto Commentary: [1]
1599* Petition from and Privilege granted to Alfonso Chacón for publishing the works of his uncle, historian Alonso Chacón Commentary: [1]
1600* Petition from and Privilege granted to Pietro Fetti to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian Commentary: [1]
1602* Petition from and Privilege granted to Marcantonio Rossi for publishing choral work by the late Giovanni Guidetti of Bologna Commentary: [1]
1603* Privilege granted to Francisco Soto to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian Commentary: [1]
1603* Petition and Privilege for printing and distributing the Summa of St. Raymond of Peñafort Commentary: [1]
1604* Petition from and Privilege granted to Cosimo Gaci to translate, print and distribute works by St. Teresa of Avila from Spanish to Italian Commentary: [1]