
Fine Art Copyright Act, London (1862)

Source: Durham Univeristy Library

Fine Art Copyright Act, London (1862), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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Record-ID: uk_1862

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Fine Art Copyright Act, 1862, 25 & 26 Vict., c.68

Full title original language:

The commentary explores the background to the legislation, and in particular, the international copyright regime, the nature of the art market in eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the role of the Society of Artists in lobbying for legislative protection, and the impetus which the International Exhibition provided for securing the same. The commentary also considers how the 1862 Bill, in its earliest incarnation, incorporated elements that would have signalled a radical departure from established copyright norms. In particular, the Bill proposed: that copyright protection should not be contingent upon registration; and that protection should be offered on a universal basis, regardless of an artists' nationality, and regardless of where the work in question was created.

1 Commentary:

  • Reitlinger, G., The Economics of Taste, The Rise and Fall of Picture Prices 1760-1960 (London: Barrie and Rockliff, 1961)

  • Pears, I., The Discovery of Painting. The Growth of the Interest in Arts in England 1680-1768 (New Haven, Connecticut & London: Yale University Press: 1988)

  • Lippincott, L., Selling Art in Georgian England: The Rise of Arthur Pond (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1983)

  • Hutchison, S.C., The History of the Royal Academy 1768-1968 (London: Chapman and Hall, 1968)

Related documents in this database:
1876: Copyright Acts for the German Empire regarding works of art, photography, and designs
1853: Blaine's Laws of Artistic Copyright
1858: Report of the Artistic Copyright Committee
1861: Fine Art Copyright Bill
1861: Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Bill (6 May)
1862: Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (28 Feb.)
1862: Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (6 March)
1862: Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (20 March)
1862: Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (31 March)
1862: Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (22 May)
1862: Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (23 May)
1862: Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (5 June)
1862: Parliamentary Debates on the Fine Art Copyright Act (24 July)
1862: Fine Art Copyright Bill (27 Feb.)
1862: Fine Art Copyright Bill (20 March)
1865: Copyright Act Amendment

Author: N/A

Publisher: N/A

Year: 1862

Location: London

Language: English

Source: Durham Univeristy Library

Persons referred to:

Places referred to:

Cases referred to:

Institutions referred to:
Court of Sessions, Scotland
Stationers' Hall

Copyright Amendment Act, 1842, 5 & 6 Vict., c.45
Fine Art Copyright Act, 1862, 25 & 26 Vict., c.68

art market
drawings, protected subject matter
duration, post mortem term
international agreements, bilateral
paintings, protected subject matter
photography, protected subject matter

Responsible editor: Ronan Deazley

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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK